Obsessed about career

January 10, 2010

Each person needs a job. Some people have job and some people don’t, some people are glad about they have a job and some people would prefer doing nothing. People are different and their jobs are different and their attitudes towards work are different. And here is about those people that are obsessed about their work and careers. They are people that see the whole meaning of this life in their jobs, though it is not like they are professionals and they like the job they do, but it is all about prestige and public image ad status and so on and so forth. These people are of career kind and there is nothing in this world that means for them more than career. See, career is the whole nature and the whole meaning of this life for people, and in case they are so obsessed it is not that hard to realize that they are ready to do anything it takes in order to be successful in their careers and in order to reach the highest career goal. I guess people shouldn’t be so obsessed about something, no natter whether it is a job or something else.

Family business

January 10, 2010

Today it is the most common kind of business for people and the most popular one. People never trust strangers and they prefer to have business in common with people they can really trust to, though this common opinion of most people is the main mistake of them. There is no way for something professional to be the part of private life. There is no way for people not to quarrel in case they have business in common. There is a proverb, I can’t remember it by heart but I know it is something about in case you need new enemies you can loan money from your friends. And the same is true for relatives; money is a great power (unfortunately) and practice shows that this power is greater than love and friendship and so on and so forth. The more money there in business the greater income people want to have and they always think they get not enough money, and sure sooner or later they will blame it on others. As a rule, the dearest people turn into the most terrible enemies when it is about money and business and so on and so forth.


April 10, 2009

Some people work to obtain experience, others to make money. We have to work. We have to do something to eat, to drink, to buy some goods. And choice of profession is not so important, because everyone must do something. Of course, we think about salary and try to find a better workplace. We want a job with good wages, with friendly colleagues. Working makes us more confident and self-contained.

Unfortunately we are not always satisfied with our job. The high-ups sometimes want to kill our nerves and make us feel uncomfortable. And when the payday comes they ‘forget’ to pay our wages. It doesn’t mean of course that you shouldn’t work at all. But maybe it’s time to find another job. If you are still arguing with your chief, alredy having changed your workplace, then probably the problem is within you. Maybe you are too self-confident. And this means that you are a born businessman. To become a businessman you’ll need some amount of money and your brain. However to run your business is not easy too, be sure that it will be a little bit problematic.

It is not so important what we are doing and where. Our life should consist of such simple activities as to work, to earn and to spend.


February 27, 2009

Work is a priority for most families. It has to be. A hard economy has made working harder and worker better a necessity in order to hang on to even mediocre jobs that bring few rewards. However, there are still many ways to find a balance between work and the rest of life. While work is the heart of your life because it provides your financial resources and without it there wouldn’t be homes or food on the table, it doesn’t need to be the heart of who you are.

Working for a better tomorrow is everyone’s dream. This in no way implies that the only thing you do is show up at work. All of you, from your beliefs, the way you treat others, your personal growth, and your growth through work become your future. Even the most tired end of the day rituals offers you a chance to develop more balance than ever before. Focusing on those you love outside of work helps keep your life in perspective. There has to be room for fun. Without fun, there isn’t much point in all this hard work. Without joy, work becomes a chore rather than a chance.

Fun doesn’t have to cost you anything more than your time and a commitment to being with someone your care for. Fun implies that you are simply enjoying your time away from work, even if you are squeezing it in between coming home and going to bed. There is fun to be had in every corner if you are looking for it. Your work is important and it is a vital part of your life. Who you are overall defines who you will become as you move forward in life. Whether you struggle or find the working pleasurable, defining yourself in a well balanced manner gives you more to pull from when times get tough.

Work and self-actualization

December 26, 2008

Each person must develop his/her personality. This is one of the main conditions for people as they are clever beings. A man begins his development since birth, since first days of his life. First two years are very important for the rest of life. Then comes kindergarten, where a child goes on its development. The kindergarten is followed by school. For some people education is stopped here. Others enter universities. Finally all people start working sooner or later. Work is combination of studies and earning money. When you work you gain new experience. You master your skills and learn how to live. Besides, you earn money and thus you also learn to form your family budget and save your money. Work is another stage for your self-development after studies. Work takes almost all your time and thus you plan your working day. If it is planned well, you will be able to cope with all your tasks and even overfulfill your work. If you cope with all your tasks, you feel good, as success at work makes you self-confident and your self-esteem rises. For each man his work is even more important than his family life. For example, if he has problems with his family life feels good, if everything is ok at work. On the contrary, if things are bad at work, success in family life can’t save this man from sever depression and blues.


December 4, 2008

There is a group of strange people, who like to work more than to have a rest. For them their work is not only more valuable than recreation, but it is even more important than all other spheres of life, such as family, food, leisure and so on. These people are called workaholics. I am very happy that I am a direct opposite of this kind of people. However I have a lot of acquaintances, colleagues and friends, who think that this style of life is perfect and can’t imagine themselves living according to another schedule. They pretend that they work so much because they are responsible for their families, and want to ensure safe and secure future for their children. I think that if they loved their families as mush as they say, they would spend more time for them, they would arrange more leisure activities, talk to their children about life and so on. I think that the real reason why these people work so much is that they don’t know how to rest and how to spend their free time. For them weekends are a serious trial, because they don’t know what to do and can’t do nothing. They are accustomed to be busy with some tasks, concentrate their attention on something very important and so on. They are absolutely unable to relax. They don’t notice that their tiredness accumulates and they have all chances to die early. There is also another category of workaholics, who think that when they have their free time, their life seems useless for them. They work intensively to avoid an opportunity to stop for a while and think about the sense of their life.

My work

November 26, 2008

When I was a boy I thought that there was noting better than working at home. Just imagine, you sit at home before your laptop and work in a pleasant home atmosphere. You can plan your working day as you wish, you are a chief to yourself, no one gives you instructions and so on. Besides, you don’t have to worry about clothes to wear, as people, who work at offices do. You may sit in your pants and work. You can also divert your attention from your work as many times as you need and want and return to your work at any time. At first sight remote work has no drawbacks at all. These were my thoughts about remote working some years ago. When I grew older and started my career, I understood very quickly that I can’t cope with my tasks when I work on a remote basis. I couldn’t understand the reason for a long time and thought that if I was unable to work at home then I couldn’t fulfill any kind work at all. In some years I began working at an office and it turned out that things became much better. I managed to do my work successfully and quicker. At last I understood that it was my laziness that prevented me from working at home. When you are at home, the very domestic atmosphere diverts your attention and makes you relaxed, too much relaxed and you can’t pull yourself together and concentrate on your current tasks. The fact that you have no chief is also a negative factor because the majority of people lack self-control. Even if you are conscious in general, when it comes to action, you can’t make yourself start working.